This interactive workshop will support teachers to use a range of untuned percussion instruments and found sound sources in the classroom. Participants will be supported with a range of resources, games and engaging learning experiences to effectively address syllabus outcomes and content across stages. Activities will focus on a range of strategies to explore musical concepts through composing, performing and notating music.
About the Presenters

Matt Hill
Sara Lind
The NSW Department of Education Creative Arts K-6 Curriculum team provide curriculum policy advice and professional support to teachers across NSW and manage projects to support the statewide implementation of the NSW Creative Arts curriculum. Matt Hill and Sara Lind are highly experienced educators who are passionate about ensuring all students receive quality arts education. They bring a broad range of knowledge, skills and experiences across music, visual arts, drama and dance.
The goal of the team is to create resources and professional learning opportunities that support every teacher in NSW public schools to provide quality arts education experiences, no matter their own level of skill, experience or confidence. They believe that every student is creative, and the arts hold the key to unlocking potential for self-expression and building self-efficacy.