Become a Mentor
It is exciting to be able to create a lasting teaching legacy that reaches beyond your own students. I learned skills from my mentee and it was great to analyse and hone my own ideas to pass on to another.
– 2022 Mentor
Mentoring is a way for teachers to improve their skills and knowledge in their profession. Experienced and knowledgeable teachers (mentors) work with early career or less-experienced teachers (participating teachers) to help them build confidence and competence in teaching music. The mentoring process is tailored to the needs and goals of each participating teacher.
Through Music in Me (formerly the National Music Teacher Mentoring Program), mentoring is done in a collaborative way that allows participating teachers to build their confidence and skills in delivering music experiences to students. Mentors and participating teachers work together to set and track goals, and the program leads to professional and personal growth for each. In some cases, participating teachers become mentors themselves, creating a cycle of professional development.
You become SO AWARE of your own practice. The reflection on your own practice makes it such a powerful learning tool about yourself.
– 2022 Mentor
What are the benefits of mentoring?
- Share your expertise and love of music – have a lasting impact on the future of music education in Australia!
- Nurture confidence and competence in teaching music
- Build your professional capacity in music education, mentoring & coaching
- Be part of a Professional Learning Community of music education specialists
- Access to teaching resources and the opportunity to share your expertise in creating new resources.
- Attend the national Mentor Conference – held in a different state every two years
- Mentor in person and online training is designed to align with AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers and can be recorded as Professional Learning hours for registration purposes
- Membership of Dr Anita Collins’ Bigger Better Brains resource
In alternate years mentors complete specially designed online learning modules through our new digital platform providing unique tailored professional learning to upskill new mentors, we now have the capacity to implement the program at any time, and in any regional or remote area, once a prospective mentor has been identified.
You build a wonderful network with fellow mentors who are there to share the successes and challenges you encounter.
– 2022 Mentor
2023 Mentor Conference
28-30 March, Melbourne
Presenters included Louise Barkl, Bronwyn Ryrie Jones, Dr Anita Collins, Mark O’Leary & Professor Margaret Barrett.
Participation in this conference provided 11.75 hours of Teacher Identified Professional Learning which aligns with a range of Australian Professional Standards for Teachers for Proficient and Highly Accomplished Teachers.
We are seeking music education specialists from across metropolitan, regional and rural Australia, to join our national collective of Mentors, and advocate for quality music education.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Music specialist teachers are welcome to apply with:
- Current approval to teach: This varies across jurisdictions and generally requires a current casual number, department registration or similar. Contact us on to find out more.
- Demonstrated excellent P-6 classroom music teaching skills (new mentors will be required to submit a video)
- At least 3 years classroom music teaching experience
- Principal approval to participate in the program.
This has been the most relevant PD I can remember attending. It has given me practical skills and knowledge that I can apply straight away with my mentee teachers, and help me with planning/preparation for any teachers I mentor in the future. It also has given me resources and ideas to use in my own teaching, and helped lessen the feeling of isolation of teaching music in my context.
– 2023 Mentor