Elevating Music Education in Australia
In 2024, the Music in Me team proudly launched a new series of professional learning modules designed to equip music mentors with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to support the next generation of educators. Developed in partnership with Learning for Good, a not-for-profit education technology charity. This online learning platform offers a tailored, engaging, and accessible experience for our mentors across Australia. The platform ensures that even the most remote and regionally isolated teachers receive the mentorship they need to thrive in their roles.
The Vision behind the program
Music in Me’s mission is rooted in a commitment to providing high-quality music education for every child in Australia. Recent Australian research indicates that many generalist teachers lack the confidence and competence to deliver effective music education in primary schools. To address this challenge, Music in Me pairs expert mentors with classroom teachers to develop their music teaching skills, ensuring that all children, regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic background, can benefit from rich musical experiences.
This new suite of online learning modules serves as an extension of that mission, offering flexible and scalable training opportunities for mentors. We engaged leaders in educational design, coaching and mentoring to create a series of powerful digital modules, delivering expert professional learning and connecting this inspiring community of learners though the digital platform. In this way, the Music in Me program is scalable to expand its reach, allowing mentors to come onboard at any time, connect with teachers across urban, rural, and remote areas, providing tailored support that responds to local needs.
What Mentors are saying
Feedback from mentors who have completed the 2024 online modules has been overwhelmingly positive, with participants praising the quality, structure, and practical application of the training. Gabby, a new mentor in the program, noted, “The modules were an effective and timely reminder about connecting with my own teaching practice to be a helpful and professional mentor.” Another mentor, Ethan, shared, “I refer to my notes all the time when talking with my mentees. The modules were structured well and flowed seamlessly, showing the effort put into ensuring that mentors have the tools they need to excel.”
Mentors have expressed appreciation for the program’s emphasis on active listening, goal-setting, and individualised support for mentees. Ravilya highlighted one of her key takeaways: “Understanding what the mentee wants to work on—whether it’s improving technical skills, developing creativity, or building confidence—creates a foundation for a more meaningful and tailored mentorship experience.”
Strategic Importance and Long-Term Impact
The Music in Me Strategic Plan for 2024–2029 identifies professional learning and mentoring as central pillars to strengthening music education across Australia. The Music in Me program is designed not only to improve teaching practice but to foster long-term, sustainable change. Mentors who complete the online learning modules report increased confidence in their own teaching while providing essential support to less experienced educators.
The platform itself has been designed with scalability and ease of use in mind. As Peter, a mentor from Western Australia, remarked, “The platform is so user-friendly and easy to navigate. It’s incredibly satisfying to work with someone less experienced in my particular area of music and see them grow.” This ease of access allows mentors to revisit materials, reinforce their learning, and apply new strategies as their mentees develop.
The future of Music in Me’s Professional Learning
As Music in Me continues to innovate, the online modules are a vital step towards expanding the program’s reach and impact. The learning platform ensures that every mentor, no matter their location, has access to high-quality, relevant training. With the ongoing collaboration with Learning for Good, Music in Me aims to continue refining these resources, incorporating feedback, and ensuring that mentors are equipped to lead the next generation of music educators.
With Music in Me, we are not just mentoring teachers; we are building a community of passionate music educators who are dedicated to enriching the lives of children through the transformative power of music. This new platform offers an exciting opportunity for mentors to continue learning, growing, and making a difference.