What is Mentoring?
Music in Me adopts a collaborative self-development approach to mentoring, pairing an experienced music teacher with a teacher less experienced in the teaching of music.
Mentoring can be defined as a positive and supportive facilitation of learning and development where a knowledgeable, experienced and highly effective teacher works alongside a less experienced teacher or one who is new to that field.
Mentoring has long been recognised as a powerful tool in the ongoing professional development of teachers, and as such, mentoring is highly valued by beginning teachers and experienced teachers alike. Mentors focus on developing teacher knowledge and skills in a particular area of their teaching practice.
Mentoring typically occurs frequently and over a fixed period of time, where the program can be developed to cater for the initial and emerging goals of the participating teacher/s.
How does mentoring work through Music in Me?
Mentoring in the Music in Me program draws upon both ‘support’ and ‘collaborative self-development’ models of mentoring. The model is a powerful professional development for teachers leading to mutual professional and personal growth, and regularly noted to be a career highlight for mentors.
Given the diversity of student and teacher needs, Music in Me is non-prescriptive in terms of content and delivery. Mentors work with participating teachers to set and track teacher development against goals negotiated in collaboration with one another. In doing so, the program builds teacher confidence, skills and practice in delivering valuable music experiences for students to achieve curricula outcomes.
In many cases, participating teachers go on to support the professional learning of their colleagues in their school or become a mentor for Music in Me, thus creating a cascading model of mentoring.
How can I participate?
Whatever your musical background, we would love for you to connect with us at Music in Me.
If you are an experienced music teacher, wanting to share your music education expertise and love of music with others, read more about becoming a mentor here.
If you are interested in becoming a participating teacher or school, get in touch with your region’s Music in Me coordinator. See further details below.
New South Wales
Kiralee Strahle
NSW Department of Education
Music in Me Teacher Mentoring Program (MiM) (nsw.gov.au)
David Hewitt
Director, Create & Inspire Education Program - Four Winds
South Australia
Kate Goodes
SA NMTMP Coordinator
Fiona Leen
VIC Department of Education